Hey guys,
Well, this morning, I forgot to turn off my alarm, this song, Gotta Be Somebody by Nickleback woke me up!
I think these lyrics have a special meaning to me and thought I should post them. These lyrics should also touch others like it has to me, because no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE! should be alone, or feel alone! There are so many god damn people in this world and I find it hard to believe that someone can't find someone else to love. You know?! But seriously, no one should excuse themselves from being loved. I find that there are so many people who are around me AND MYSELF trying to do this and frankly, I'm getting sick of it!
Why is it so goddamn hard for both parties to just go up to each other and say 'Hey! Hows it going?' But no! The human race has to be shy and play coy because thats what everyone is doing and its 'cool' or 'slick'! And I know everyone is scared of getting hurt and feeling like they are not worth it after a break up but people just need to realize that there are so many other people out there! I don't think people should just be fixed on one person, and if it doesn't work out, should laze around feeling so goddamn sorry for themselves! Who is to say that person was the one? You can't move on without him/her? And who is to say you can find another one to love? YOU are saying that! People are stopping themselves short saying, 'Oh, I think I'm done trying.' And wash their hand of the whole thing!
Isn't life about making mistakes? Taking Risks? TO LIVE LIFE FULLY?! For me, I know where my future is going, but Im also keeping myself open to the things that might happen along the way. My philosophy, Live well, Love much, Laugh often, and Imagine Anything. Last night, Sarah was trying to build up my confidence to actually talk or to even dance with a guy, but I just kept waving her off, saying that it'll never happen. But now I realize that I was just afraid of what might happen...afraid of myself of becoming who I am not for a guy who may not interested at all. And I'm sorry Sarah, for waving you off like that, when you were only trying to help.
And also, everyone is saying to be yourself, but what if being yourself is not good enough? That anyone is not interested in see YOU, but the person who they want you to be? When did it change? When did the meaning of love change? How did the circumstance that we put ourselves in have such the biggest impact on things that shouldn't really matter at all? Or did it ever change? Has it always been like this for people? Now and in the past? That they just stay within the lines of what society calls normal and say that they are happy with people who are so wrong for them?
Why is it so frigging hard for us (People) to get over the hardships in our lives and move on. YES! I know our experiences shape who we are but who is to say that the bad experiences should haunt us the rest of our lives? We should just start slowly seeing yourselves for who we are, to not be afraid of making mistakes and risks, because that what makes a fulfilled life, a happy life.
As some of you know, I am planning to become a teacher but needed to go another route to get there because of what the people have said to me when I was in elementary school (Grade 8). I have a learning disability, and lucky, they found it early, and helped me find different ways of dealing with it. But what happened that changed my way of thinking of who I am and what I want to become, was....my guidance counselor, principal, some teachers, and my mom by my side had a meeting by the end of the school year (meaning going to high school). Once they sat us down and went through how I was progressing well with the content of the curriculum and went on saying that they believe that i won't succeed in high school because of my disability will 'inhibit' my potential. I looked at them, then my mom and looked down at my hands and shut down. By then, I was thinking about these 'people' who were so good to me during elementary school, telling me that I won't succeed in high school and thereafter. I started to wonder what the point was of them helping me through elementary, and then by the end of it, saying that their work hasn't helped me, that I am a failure, that i have no future because of this disability? WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT? This was the turning point in my life because I told myself that I WILL prove to them them that I am worth it, that I can succeed in everything that I put my mind to, and saying that they are full of themselves for saying such a thing to a 14 year old girl. I was always interested in teaching and I thought it can be a perfect opportunity to do the exact opposite of these people have told me. I want to let the children know that THEY ARE WORTH IT! CHILDREN ARE WORTH THE PATIENCE AND CARE BECAUSE THEY ARE THE FUTURE!
It's so hard to see why people only remember the negative experiences. Why do the negative things that happened to us stick, when the positive things are pushed aside? Why do people focus on the negative? Let me ask you something. DO YOU FEEL GOOD WHEN SOMEONE TELLS YOU SOMETHING NEGATIVE? MAYBE SAYING THAT YOU ARE STUPID, RETARDED? (sorry, I hate using that word but I’m trying to make a point) Doesn’t feel good, does it? We need to focus on the POSITIVE! Can you imagine the difference it would make if you feel good about yourself, and PAYING IT FORWARD? By just saying a friendly word to a colleague, or acknowledging persons strength; how you can brighten or make someone’s day. Can people just make the effort of doing these little things, make the people around them and themselves happy and positive? What a difference our world would be if we just take the initiative to make someone happy, to give children the gift of being self assured so they can succeed, in the early years of life! Can you imagine?
I CHALLENGE YOU! Now that I got your attention, I challenge you to say something positive to someone, to give a lending hand, to GIVE! GIVE SOMETHING BACK TO THE WORLD IN WHICH WE LIVE IN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF! Then, notice the change! But, you have to look! Really look! Just don’t wait for a response and wait to get something back. The change can be so subtle, you won’t even notice it but that’s why you have to look! Believe me when I say that you will make a difference in someone’s life if you say something positive. If that one person feels good about themselves because you have said or did something positive, would that one person want to share their happiness? I THINK SO! It will become a chain reaction, of people being happy and focusing on the positive, instead of the negative. Have you seen the movie PAY IT FORWARD? Watch it! Its an amazing example of what can happen if you accept my challenge to just say a friendly word of give a lending hand to someone who needs it, and make someone happy! I don’t see why people want to make the biggest changes in our world when the little changes make the biggest difference. Does it make sense to you? ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE TO MAKE THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE THAT CAN CHANGE OUR WORLD! Open your mind to the possibilities of what you can do to make you mark! Isn’t that what we want? To make our mark in the world, to show that we have made a difference or a change? Look at what Martin Luther King Jr,, Mother Teresa, Dorothy Day has done! They have left their mark in the world by doing the simplest of actions that a person can make and look at the change they have made. Look at Rosa Parks! Jeeze! She sat at the front of the bus instead of the back and look at the wave of movement that it set upon the whole world! Fulfill you life with mistakes, risks, and learn from them to make a positive chain reaction. I have accepted the challenge long before I wrote this…I have noticed the change, and I want you to experience the immense feeling of triumph and accomplishment of knowing that you are making a difference! Accept it, notice it, embrace it.
Imagine the possibilities…Imagine.
Well, this morning, I forgot to turn off my alarm, this song, Gotta Be Somebody by Nickleback woke me up!
I think these lyrics have a special meaning to me and thought I should post them. These lyrics should also touch others like it has to me, because no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE! should be alone, or feel alone! There are so many god damn people in this world and I find it hard to believe that someone can't find someone else to love. You know?! But seriously, no one should excuse themselves from being loved. I find that there are so many people who are around me AND MYSELF trying to do this and frankly, I'm getting sick of it!
Why is it so goddamn hard for both parties to just go up to each other and say 'Hey! Hows it going?' But no! The human race has to be shy and play coy because thats what everyone is doing and its 'cool' or 'slick'! And I know everyone is scared of getting hurt and feeling like they are not worth it after a break up but people just need to realize that there are so many other people out there! I don't think people should just be fixed on one person, and if it doesn't work out, should laze around feeling so goddamn sorry for themselves! Who is to say that person was the one? You can't move on without him/her? And who is to say you can find another one to love? YOU are saying that! People are stopping themselves short saying, 'Oh, I think I'm done trying.' And wash their hand of the whole thing!
Isn't life about making mistakes? Taking Risks? TO LIVE LIFE FULLY?! For me, I know where my future is going, but Im also keeping myself open to the things that might happen along the way. My philosophy, Live well, Love much, Laugh often, and Imagine Anything. Last night, Sarah was trying to build up my confidence to actually talk or to even dance with a guy, but I just kept waving her off, saying that it'll never happen. But now I realize that I was just afraid of what might happen...afraid of myself of becoming who I am not for a guy who may not interested at all. And I'm sorry Sarah, for waving you off like that, when you were only trying to help.
And also, everyone is saying to be yourself, but what if being yourself is not good enough? That anyone is not interested in see YOU, but the person who they want you to be? When did it change? When did the meaning of love change? How did the circumstance that we put ourselves in have such the biggest impact on things that shouldn't really matter at all? Or did it ever change? Has it always been like this for people? Now and in the past? That they just stay within the lines of what society calls normal and say that they are happy with people who are so wrong for them?
Why is it so frigging hard for us (People) to get over the hardships in our lives and move on. YES! I know our experiences shape who we are but who is to say that the bad experiences should haunt us the rest of our lives? We should just start slowly seeing yourselves for who we are, to not be afraid of making mistakes and risks, because that what makes a fulfilled life, a happy life.
As some of you know, I am planning to become a teacher but needed to go another route to get there because of what the people have said to me when I was in elementary school (Grade 8). I have a learning disability, and lucky, they found it early, and helped me find different ways of dealing with it. But what happened that changed my way of thinking of who I am and what I want to become, was....my guidance counselor, principal, some teachers, and my mom by my side had a meeting by the end of the school year (meaning going to high school). Once they sat us down and went through how I was progressing well with the content of the curriculum and went on saying that they believe that i won't succeed in high school because of my disability will 'inhibit' my potential. I looked at them, then my mom and looked down at my hands and shut down. By then, I was thinking about these 'people' who were so good to me during elementary school, telling me that I won't succeed in high school and thereafter. I started to wonder what the point was of them helping me through elementary, and then by the end of it, saying that their work hasn't helped me, that I am a failure, that i have no future because of this disability? WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT? This was the turning point in my life because I told myself that I WILL prove to them them that I am worth it, that I can succeed in everything that I put my mind to, and saying that they are full of themselves for saying such a thing to a 14 year old girl. I was always interested in teaching and I thought it can be a perfect opportunity to do the exact opposite of these people have told me. I want to let the children know that THEY ARE WORTH IT! CHILDREN ARE WORTH THE PATIENCE AND CARE BECAUSE THEY ARE THE FUTURE!
It's so hard to see why people only remember the negative experiences. Why do the negative things that happened to us stick, when the positive things are pushed aside? Why do people focus on the negative? Let me ask you something. DO YOU FEEL GOOD WHEN SOMEONE TELLS YOU SOMETHING NEGATIVE? MAYBE SAYING THAT YOU ARE STUPID, RETARDED? (sorry, I hate using that word but I’m trying to make a point) Doesn’t feel good, does it? We need to focus on the POSITIVE! Can you imagine the difference it would make if you feel good about yourself, and PAYING IT FORWARD? By just saying a friendly word to a colleague, or acknowledging persons strength; how you can brighten or make someone’s day. Can people just make the effort of doing these little things, make the people around them and themselves happy and positive? What a difference our world would be if we just take the initiative to make someone happy, to give children the gift of being self assured so they can succeed, in the early years of life! Can you imagine?
I CHALLENGE YOU! Now that I got your attention, I challenge you to say something positive to someone, to give a lending hand, to GIVE! GIVE SOMETHING BACK TO THE WORLD IN WHICH WE LIVE IN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF! Then, notice the change! But, you have to look! Really look! Just don’t wait for a response and wait to get something back. The change can be so subtle, you won’t even notice it but that’s why you have to look! Believe me when I say that you will make a difference in someone’s life if you say something positive. If that one person feels good about themselves because you have said or did something positive, would that one person want to share their happiness? I THINK SO! It will become a chain reaction, of people being happy and focusing on the positive, instead of the negative. Have you seen the movie PAY IT FORWARD? Watch it! Its an amazing example of what can happen if you accept my challenge to just say a friendly word of give a lending hand to someone who needs it, and make someone happy! I don’t see why people want to make the biggest changes in our world when the little changes make the biggest difference. Does it make sense to you? ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE TO MAKE THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE THAT CAN CHANGE OUR WORLD! Open your mind to the possibilities of what you can do to make you mark! Isn’t that what we want? To make our mark in the world, to show that we have made a difference or a change? Look at what Martin Luther King Jr,, Mother Teresa, Dorothy Day has done! They have left their mark in the world by doing the simplest of actions that a person can make and look at the change they have made. Look at Rosa Parks! Jeeze! She sat at the front of the bus instead of the back and look at the wave of movement that it set upon the whole world! Fulfill you life with mistakes, risks, and learn from them to make a positive chain reaction. I have accepted the challenge long before I wrote this…I have noticed the change, and I want you to experience the immense feeling of triumph and accomplishment of knowing that you are making a difference! Accept it, notice it, embrace it.
Imagine the possibilities…Imagine.

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