Sunday, June 14, 2009

SunRise to SunSet!

The, the best thing in the world for me, its gotta be watching sunrises and sunsets!. There's nothing better than sitting on a beach or on a porch watching the beautiful red Sun breaks away from the horizon or starts to kiss it good night. It's the beginning of another day or the end of it. Im so grateful to witness such beauty that our world creates.... Seeing the beautiful colors the illuminate the blue skies, especially when there are clouds involved. :P Mhm nothing better.! Oh wait, maybe a cup of coffee to go with that goodness? Oh yeah, that would be nice! 
This is a quote from a child who wrote a note to God, its one of my favorite quotes!
--Dear God: I didn't think orange went with the purple until I saw the sunset you made on Tuesday. That was cool.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

No Such Thing As Plans..

I just finished watching the movie Dan In Real Life [for the fifth time], which I think is amazing! But the main message is really hits home. It says to always have a plan but in the end, you have to plan to be surprised. I really believe in this...just recently in fact. I've seen so many people who are around me, including myself draw up a little plan of how we want our lives to be like, but recently, I've noticed that most of their didn't work out as they 'planned'. Don't get me wrong, some of what happened may have happened for the better, such as my cousin starting a family earlier than she planned or any other relative who have these plans as well. But I got to thinking that maybe we should plan our lives...loosely. Just maybe be more open to the idea of something new and fresh coming along. I hate seeing the people that I love be floored by the 'new and fresh' things that come along in their life, and also mine, but not get back up to embrace it and move along.... It hurts to know that I can't do anything about it to help them through the pain, because ultimately, they have to find the way themselves. But Im always there for them, to listen and support if they want it. But doesn't it just makes sense now? So we don't get totally blown away from the fact that it did happen and maybe move on a little bit quicker? I think its one of those things that are so simple to realize, that its just as easily to not recognize it. So if you're a human being, I asking you to be more open to the little or big surprises that can change your life, and Ill do the same! 
--If you have a plan about how your life is going to be...plan to be surprised.

Don't Give In.

All of us  has set backs in our lives some way or another. But if you really want to get through it, you gotta start by smiling. That's right, I said smiling! A friend of mine, wrote me this beautiful quote, and What I did was write it on a small piece of paper, and keep it in my pocket. Yeah, I know, weird right? But no, its not, Its my little of paper that keeps me smiling everyday.  A couple of other people noticed my 'random smiling' and asked me about it. I just tell them that I have random thoughts that make me smile, and why not smile? hehe. That always get them. :P Okie, but think about do you start to feel better about something that has gone wrong in your life? For me, Its my random smiling...I don't know why, but if I just smile, it feels like there is nothing wrong, since I can still smile. Nothing can penetrate your ability to smile. So I already know my 'thing' to get me through the tough times, what is yours? How ever you find it, always have it in hand, it will make you feel better and once you feel better, you can start to handle the what ever situation comes at you. So find it, embrace it, and hold onto it.!

--A smile is a language even a baby understands. It costs nothing but it creates much. It happens in a flash but the memory of it may last forever. Smile when in leisure. Smile when in pain. Smile when troubles pour like rain. Smile when someone hurt your feelings, because you know, smiling always starts the healing!--